Top 10 Particolor Kittens ~ 2015-2016

Best Particolor Kitten

GC, BW, NW Jovan Plum Blossom
of Mymao

Tortoiseshell Female

Breeder: Cheryl & Bob Lorditch
Owner: Wanqiu Sun

2nd Best Particolor Kitten

GC, RW Windyvalley Joy To The World

Tortoiseshell Female

Kelley Phillips

3rd Best Particolor Kitten

RW Lox-Nott Miss Kuwait of Aliya

Tortoiseshell Female

Breeder: Yoonai & Sophia Staples
Owner: Yoonai-Sophia Staples - Alia Mishari Alfaris

4th Best Particolor Kitten

CH, DW Whisperocean's Michon

Tortoiseshell Female

Breeder: Elena Smirnova
Owner: Li Ming Cheung-Wilson Hb Ng

5th Best Particolor Kitten

CH, DW Krungsiam Chandra

Tortoiseshell Female

Nuttarinee Satirasilpin

6th Best Particolor Kitten

GC, RW Validian Jungle Fever
of Catsafrats

Tortoiseshell Female

Breeder: Peter J Rogers III
Owner: Bruce & Donna Isenberg-P J Rogers III

7th Best Particolor Kitten

GC, RW Scrimshaw Mouse Magic

Tortoiseshell Female

Jack & Linda Acomb

8th Best Particolor Kitten

GC, RW Maikai Little Diva of Twitter

Tortoiseshell Female

Breeder: Carol Booth
Owner: Carol Booth-Cheryl Dorrell

9th Best Particolor Kitten

CH, RW Mirage Blanc IndianSummer
of Brumar

Tortoiseshell Female

Breeder: Marie & Jean Beck
Owner: Bruno Picasso-Roberta Canal-
Marie Jeanne Beck-Paolo Carnevaletti

10th Best Particolor Kitten

RW Kuorii Apple Pie

Tortoiseshell Female

Breeder: Carnevaletti-Canal
Owner: Canal-Paolo Carnevaletti

Other 2015-16 Show Season Winners

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