Top 10 Particolor Cats in Championship ~ 2010-2011

Best Particolor in Championship

GC, BW, NW Catsafrats Star Rose

Tortoiseshell Female

Breeder: Connie Stewart-B-D. Isenberg
Owner: Bruce-Donna Isenberg

2nd Best Particolor in Championship

GC, DW LTCH Ultraviolet

Blue-Cream Female

Breeder/Owner: Elena Tchumakova

3rd Best Particolor in Championship

GC, DW Kuorii Tortellini of Cuzzoe

Tortoiseshell Female

Breeder: Paolo Carnevaletti
Owner: Canal-Carnev-Peletier-Valencia

4th Best Particolor in Championship

GC, RW Posh Persian Purple Haze

Tortoiseshell Female

Breeder/Owner: Donna Waskiewicz

5th Best Particolor in Championship

GC, RW Florissant Sparkle Lady

Tortoiseshell Female

Breeder/Owner: Mikiko Fujii

6th Best Particolor in Championship

GC Periferi Carnival Queen

Tortoiseshell Female

Breeder: Bev Stobbe, Lessee
Owner: F. Koty-B. Stobbe-G. Valsted

7th Best Particolor in Championship

CH Maradan Angelica of Kiyoko Kats

Blue-Cream Female

Breeder: Luis Garcia Maurino
Owner: Diogo Sardinha

8th Best Particolor in Championship

GC Charrewood's Sweet Adeline

Tortoiseshell Female

Breeder/Owner: Judith T. Hopwood

9th Best Particolor in Championship

GC Songgwangsa Zoe of Henajuetras

Blue-Cream Female

Breeder: O. Grin-A. Dergachous-D. Trinka
Owner: O. Grin-J. Trautmann-H. Nau

10th Best Particolor in Championship

GC Boberan's Pretty Little Baby

Tortoiseshell Female

Breeder: Randy Primmer-Robert Farber
Owner: Luk Chun Lap-Yeung Mo Lam

Other 2010-11 Show Season Winners

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