Top 10 Particolor Cats in Championship ~ 2011-2012

Best Particolor in Championship

GC, BW, DW Settimocielo Raggio Di Luna

Tortoiseshell Female

Breeder: Actis Dato Maria Angela
Owner: Maria Angela Actis Dato

2nd Best Particolor in Championship

GC, DW Boberan's Pretty Little Baby

Tortoiseshell Female

Breeder: Randy Primmer-Robert Farber
Owner: Luk Chun Lap-Yeung Mo Lam

3rd Best Particolor in Championship

GC, RW Catcharm Crystal Gayle

Blue-Cream Female

Breeder: Warren-Kristine Joubert
Owner: Kristine-Warren Joubert

4th Best Particolor in Championship

GC Steeplechase Hidden Treasure

Tortoiseshell Female

Breeder: Jean Green
Owner: Lyudmila Sevryugina

5th Best Particolor in Championship

GC, RW Persipals That's Blowtorch

Tortoiseshell Female

Breeder: Lena Karachun-Dennis Bradshaw
Owner: L. Karachun-Sue Swain

6th Best Particolor in Championship

GC Pironti Porcia of Samlilah

Blue-Cream Female

Breeder: Toni Pironti
Owner: Rhonda Valdez-Randy Bish

7th Best Particolor in Championship

GC Birth Kagura

Tortoiseshell Female

Breeder/Owner: Kyoko Ishikawa

8th Best Particolor in Championship

GC Laisee Dj-Hope Ms of Hoobee

Tortoiseshell Female

Breeder: Diane Trinka-Lai Ming Wong
Owner: Laiming Wong-Danny T-Chris W.

9th Best Particolor in Championship

GC Abraxas Hollywood of Scrimshaw

Tortoiseshell Female

Breeder: Susanne Ostervall
Owner: Linda-John Acomb

10th Best Particolor in Championship

GC Goliada Chemise

Blue-Cream Female

Breeder: Nancy Petersen, Lessee
Owner: Nancy Petersen

Other 2011-12 Show Season Winners

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