Top 10 Himalayan Cats in Championship ~ 2012-2013

Best Himalayan in Championship

GC, BW, RW Burnbrae's Harlan

Seal Point Male

Breeder: Lyn Knight-Diane Boettcher
Owner: Lyn-Keir Knight

2nd Best Himalayan in Championship

GC, RW St.Jude Sonny of Cotton Kiss

Flame Point Male

Breeder: Fabio Giannini-Paolo Gori
Owner: Bertino Ponce De Leon Diez

3rd Best Himalayan in Championship

GC, RW Burnbrae's Raylan of Mapurr

Seal Point Male

Breeder: Lyn Knight-Diane Boettcher
Owner: Lyn-Keir Knight-Marcia Aylor

4th Best Himalayan in Championship

GC, RW Purring Army Dream Song

Cream Point Female

Aljona Bukalova

5th Best Himalayan in Championship

GC, RW A Kitkat CowboyCasanova
of Ristokat

Seal Lynx Point Male

Breeder: Sue Swaim
Owner: Jon-Kathy Durdick

6th Best Himalayan in Championship

GC Sandypaws Garden Party

Flame Point Female

Carolyn Baker

7th Best Himalayan in Championship

GC, RW Catley Crue Cajun Lover
of Mipaws

Flame Lynx Point Male

Breeder: Marsha Tjeerdsma
Owner: M. Tjeerdsma-Kathy Chandler

8th Best Himalayan in Championship

GC, RW Mewmaws Patriot of Catbery Tail

Seal Point Male

Breeder: Debra Kozlowski-Lori Kerr
Owner: Debra L Kozlowski-Lori A Kerr

9th Best Himalayan in Championship

GC, RW A Red Jack

Flame Point Male

Breeder: Hung Chou Chen
Owner: Chen Hung Chou-Su Wen Lin

10th Best Himalayan in Championship

GC Kopy Kapp K Chandler

Seal Lynx Point Female

Jerilyn Kapp

Other 2012-13 Show Season Winners

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