2008 Breed Council Ballot ~ Proposals and Results
- Persian - General:
- Total Members: 196 ~ Ballots Received: 140 ~ 60% for passing: 84
PROPOSED: Delete the last two sentences in the first paragraph of the DISQUALIFY section
of the Persian standard:
DISQUALIFY: locket or button. Kinked or abnormal tail. Incorrect number of toes.
Any apparent weakness in the hind quarters. Any apparernt deformity of the spine. Deformity of the
skull resulting in an asymmetrical face and/or head. Crossed eyes. For pointed cats, also disqualify for white toes, eye color
other than blue. For silver and golden cats, also disqualify for eye color other than green or
blue green.*
*The above listed disqualifications apply to all Persian cats. Additional disqualifications are
listed under "Colors".
RATIONALE: The DISQUALIFY section of the general Persian standard should apply to all Persian
cats. The following two statements are being deleted from the DISQUALIFY section of the Persian Standard
because they do not apply to all Persian cats.
"For pointed cats, also disqualify for white toes, eye color
other than blue. For silver and golden cats, also disqualify for eye color other than green or
blue green."
The disqualify statement regarding silver and golden cats is already in each of the Silver and Golden
color descriptions. The disqualify statement regarding pointed cats needs to be added to each of the color
descriptions in the Himalayan Division. NOTE: The Board should not approve this change unless the
Himalayan Division votes to add the disqualify statement for pointed cats to each Himalayan color description.
We don't want the disqualify statement for pointed cats to disappear; rather we want it to be included
in each color description.
Yes-123, No-14
Motion carried, Feb 2009 Board Meeting
The following two questions also appear on the Exotic breed council ballot.
PROPOSED: Longhair Exotics that meet Persian color descriptions may be show for championship
status in Persian color classes. A Longhair Division of Exotics will be created for scoring purposes only.
Regional and national points accumulated by Longhair Exotics shown in Persian color classes will count
towards Longhair Exotic Breed Wins, not towards Persian Breed Wins. Furthermore, offspring of Longhair
Exotic to Longhair Exotic matings and offspring of Longhair Exotic to Persian matings will not be
eligible for registration.
RATIONALE: At the February 2008 Board Meeting, the CFA Board directed the Breeds & Standards
Committee Co-Chairs to facilitate a meeting with the Exotic and Persian Breed Council secretaries to
find a way that Exotic Longhairs could be shown without requiring a change to the CFA Constitution. That
meeting took place in June during the CFA Annual Meeting. Present at that meeting were Annette Wilson and
Debbie Kusy (Co-Chairs Breeds & Standards Committee), Nancy Petersen (Secretary, Persian Breed
Council), Becky Orlando and Carla Bizzell (representatives for the Exotic Breed Council). Note: Peter
Vonwonterghem, Exotic Breed Council secretary, was unable to attend.
At the meeting in June, the Breed Council secretaries or representatives were first asked to draw
their "line in the sand". The "line in the sand" for the Exotic Breed Council is to show their longhairs
(referred to as ELH). The "line in the sand" for the Persian Breed Council is not to register or call
Exotics "Persians". The Breed Council secretaries or representatives were then asked to find areas to
negotiate or ways to compromise.
One suggestion coming from this meeting was to show the ELHs phenotypically, but to score them
genotypically. That is, ELHs would be shown in Persian Color classes, but points awarded would be scored
for breed, regional, and national wins in the Exotic Breed. The ELHs would compete in the appropriate
color classes with the Pesians, only the catalog would indicate by registration number (7XXXL- number)
which cats are ELHs.
Two options for scoring ELHs were discussed. ELHs could compete for Breed Wins against Shorthair
Exotics, or a LH Division of the Exotic could be added to the CFA scoring system for award purposes
only (that is, there would not be a LH Division added to the existing Exotic breed standard). It was
thought that having ELHs receive wins in a LH Division of Exotic would be the more acceptable alternative
to both Breed Councils.
Given the goal of Exotic breeding programs is to produce Exotics with a shorthair coat, another
recommendation coming from this meeting by the Exotic BC representative was that registration rules be
enacted such that:
- LH Exotic x LH Exotic litters would NOT be registerable in CFA.
- LH Exotic x Persian litters would NOT be registerable in CFA.
This would prohibit Exotic breeders from doing matings in which all of the offspring would mimic Persians.
If the Persian and Exotic Breed Councils would approve such a compromise, there will still need to be
two issues that would need to be addressed by the Board in order to allow exhibition of ELHs:
- The current Breed Definition Policy (WIAB) would need to be negated:
a. set aside permanently, or
b. amended for this purpose only
- Show Rule 2.04 (Each cat or kitten must be entered as the breed under which it is registered)
would need to be amended or eliminated.
At the October 2008 Board Meeting, the Board indicated they did not want to act on either the WIAB
policy or Show Rule 2.04 unless the Persian and Exotic Breed Councils both voted in favor of the compromise.
Thus, you are being asked to vote on this question, which puts forth the compromise proposed for allowing
ELHs to be shown.
Yes-69, No-69
Motion carried, Feb 2009 Board Meeting
The results for the question below are for informational purposes only.
QUESTION: If ELHs are shown, then it has been suggested that there be a cut-off date for
Exotics to be allowed to cross to Persians. Do you agree with such a cut-off date now, or in the
-- A) Yes, cut-off effective with the date ELH eligible to be shown (May 1, 2009 if proposal #2 above passes).
-- B) Yes, cut-off date 5 years from the date ELH eligible to be shown.
-- C) Yes, cut-off date 10 years from the date ELH eligible to be shown.
-- D) No cut-off date.
Voting results:
A) 44
B) 20
C) 7
D) 58
Abstain) 11
No action taken, Feb 2009 Board Meeting
Persian - Silver/Golden Division:
- Total Members: 32 ~ Ballots Received: 23 ~ 60% for passing: 14
PROPOSED: Add the following four color descriptions, two silver and two golden,
to the list of accepted Silver and Golden Division Colors and list the four colors under
separate breed color class numbers:
BLUE CHINCHILLA SILVER: undercoat pure white. Coat on back, flanks,
head, and tail sufficiently tipped with blue to give a sparkling appearance. Legs may be
slightly shaded with tipping. Chin, ear tufts, stomach, and chest, pure white. Rims of
eyes, lips, and nose outlined with blue. Nose leather: rose. Paw pads: blue or rose.
Eye color: green or blue-green. Disqualify for incorrect eye color, incorrect eye color
being copper, yellow, gold, amber, or any color other than green or blue-green.
BLUE SHADED SILVER: undercoat white with a mantle of blue tipping shading
down from the sides, face, and tail from dark on the ridge to white on the chin, chest,
stomach, and under the tail. Legs to be the same tone as the face. The general effect to
be much darker than a chinchilla. Rims of eyes, lips, and nose outlined with blue. Nose
leather: rose. Paw pads: blue or rose. Eye color: green or blue-green. Disqualify for
incorrect eye color, incorrect eye color being copper, yellow, gold, amber, or any color
other than green or blue-green.
BLUE CHINCHILLA GOLDEN: undercoat ivory to pale honey. Coat on back, flanks,
head, and tail sufficiently tipped with blue to enhance a golden appearance. Legs and
end of tail may be shaded with tipping. Chin, ear tufts, stomach, chest and underside of
tail, consistent ivory to pale honey color. The general effect is lighter than a blue
shaded golden due to less tipping. Rims of eyes, lips, and nose outlined with blue.
Nose leather: rose. Paw pads: blue or rose. Eye color: green or blue-green. Disqualify
for incorrect eye color, incorrect eye color being copper, yellow, gold, amber, or any
color other than green or blue-green.
BLUE SHADED GOLDEN: undercoat ivory to pale honey with a mantle of blue
tipping shading down from the sides, face, head and tail. Legs to be the same tone as
the face. Chin, ear tufts, chest, stomach, and underside of tail, consistent ivory to
pale honey color. The general effect is darker than a blue chinchilla golden due to more
tipping. Rims of eyes, lips, and nose outlined with blue. Nose leather: rose.
Paw pads: blue or rose. Eye color: green or blue-green. Disqualify for incorrect eye
color, incorrect eye color being copper, yellow, gold, amber, or any color other than
green or blue-green.
RATIONALE: Blue silvers and blue goldens are naturally occurring colors within
the breed and worthy of obtaining championship status within CFA. Acceptance of these
colors for championship status should increase the number of cats competing within the
Silver and Golden Division.
Many silver and golden breeders are using other colors in their breeding programs.
As a result, the dilute gene is showing up with increasing frequency. Unless we accept
the dilute colors into the silver and golden division, there will be more and more of
these lovely and deserving blue silvers and blue goldens produced that cannot be shown
and recognized with titles.
If there were categories for the blue silver and blue golden Persians, breeders
would not hesitate to register, breed, and show their blue silvers and blue goldens
within CFA. As it is now, the blue silvers and blue goldens can only be shown in other
cat registries in order to obtain titles, yet the dilute colors are accepted in every
other breed within CFA.
If the blues were accepted; perhaps breeders wouldn't be tempted to incorrectly
register their blues; therefore, giving us more reliable pedigrees enabling those who
want the blues out or in to keep it that way. Additionally, more cats would be
registered, bred, and shown within CFA resulting in additional revenues for the
organization. Exhibitors from European and other registries, whose blues are already
accepted, would be permitted to proudly register and show their blues within CFA as well.
Some silver and golden breeders believe the blue silvers should not be accepted
since they are so similar to the "black" silvers and this would confuse the judges. With
clear color standards for the blue silvers, judges will be able to detect and distinguish
a blue silver from a black silver. In addition, judges are use to seeing dilutes in other
breeds and are, therefore, already familiar with these colors. The blues are not a "new"
color but an existing color that pops up in silver and golden litters out of two cats
carrying the dilute gene, two blues, or one carrier and one blue.
It is to our advantage as silver and golden breeders/exhibitors to accept the
blues. It will increase the number of cats eligible to be shown in our division and the
blues are a natural occurring color from within our division, worthy of obtaining titled
recognition within CFA.
Yes-16, No-7
Motion carried, Feb 2009 Board Meeting
Persian - Smoke/Shaded Division:
- Total Members: 14 ~ Ballots Received: 11 ~ 60% for passing: 7
PROPOSED: Add the following four color descriptions to the list of accepted
Shaded and Smoke Division Colors and list the four colors under separate breed color
class numbers:
CHOCOLATE SMOKE: undercoat white, deeply tipped with chocolate. Cat in
repose appears chocolate. In motion the white undercoat is clearly apparent. Face, legs
and tail, chocolate with narrow bands of white at base of hairs next to the skin which
may only be seen when hair is parted. White frill and ear tufts. Nose leather: brown.
Paw Pads: cinnamon-pink. Eye color: brilliant copper.
LILAC SMOKE: undercoat white, deeply tipped with lilac. Cat in repose
appears lilac. In motion the white undercoat is clearly apparent. Face, legs and tail,
lilac with narrow bands of white at base of hairs next to the skin which may only be seen
when hair is parted. White frill and ear tufts. Nose leather: lavender. Paw Pads:
pink. Eye Color: brilliant copper.
CHOCOLATE TORTOISESHELL SMOKE: white undercoat, deeply tipped with chocolate,
red and shades of red. Cat in repose appears chocolate tortoiseshell. In motion the white
undercoat is clearly apparent. Face, legs and tail, chocolate tortoiseshell pattern with
narrow band of white at base of hairs next to skin which may only be seen when hair is
parted. White frill and ears tufts. Nose leather: brown, brick red and/or pink. Paw
Pads: brick red, cinnamon pink and/or pink. Eye color: brilliant copper.
LILAC-CREAM SMOKE: white undercoat, deeply tipped with lilac and cream. Cat
in repose appears lilac-cream. In motion the white undercoat is clearly apparent. Face,
legs and tail, lilac-cream pattern with narrow band of white at base of hairs next to
skin which may only be seen when hair is parted. White frill and ear tufts. Nose
leather: lavender, lavender pink and/or pink. Paw Pads: lavender pink and/or pink.
Eye color: brilliant copper.
RATIONALE: Chocolate, lilac, chocolate tortoiseshell, and lilac-cream smokes
are naturally occurring colors within the breed and worthy of obtaining championship
status within CFA. The Shaded and Smoke Division is the only Persian division that
doesn't accept chocolate and lilac colors. Lovely examples of these colors are now being
produced. Acceptance of these colors for championship status should increase the number
of cats competing within the Shaded and Smoke Division. But currently, these colors can
only be shown in other cat registries in order to obtain titles.
Yes-5, No-6
Did not pass by 60% - not considered by the Board
Persian - Calico/Bicolor Division:
- Total Members: 54 ~ Ballots Received: 34 ~ 60% for passing: 21
PROPOSED: Revise the Smoke and white color description to include
Chocolate Smoke and White and Lilac Smoke and White.
SMOKE AND WHITE: black smoke and white, blue smoke and white, red smoke and
white, cream smoke and white, chocolate smoke and white, lilac smoke and
white. White with colored portions, the colored portions of the cat to
conform to the currently established smoke color standards. As a preferred
minimum, the cat should have white feet, legs, underside, chest, and muzzle.
Less white than this minimum should be penalized proportionately. Inverted
"V" blaze on the face desirable.
Yes-32, No-2
Motion carried, Feb 2009 Board Meeting
PROPOSED: Add the following statement describing the preferred minimum of
color to the end of each Calico and Bi-Color color description.
As a preferred minimum, the cat should have a colored tail and one or more
colored patches on the head and legs. Less color than this minimum should
be penalized proportionately.
Yes-26, No-7
Motion carried, Feb 2009 Board Meeting
Persian - Himalayan Division:
- Total Members: 45 ~ Ballots Received: 27 ~ 60% for passing: 17
PROPOSED: Add the following statement to the end of each Himalayan color
Disqualify for white toes, eye color other than blue.
RATIONALE: This is a housekeeping change. It is thought that breed standards
should be organized such that disqualifying conditions that only apply to particular
colors should be noted with those colors. Currently, this disqualify statement occurs
only in the Persian Description which should apply to all Persians.
Yes-23, No-3
Motion carried, Feb 2009 Board Meeting