Top 10 Bicolor Kittens ~ 2018-2019

Best Bicolor Kitten

GC, NW Cottontop Ringmaster! of Purrcasso

Cream-White Male

Breeder: Mandy Moesch - Beth Hetzel
Owner: Noelle Giddings

2nd Best Bicolor Kitten

GC, NW Velvetkist Bluemeaway of Luvtale

Blue-White Male

Breeder: Noralyn Heisig
Owner: Noralyn Heisig, Michelle Miles

3rd Best Bicolor Kitten

GC, NW Char-O Gabriel

Blue-White Male

Breeder: Charmayne Phillips
Owner: James Mitchell, Craig Grein, Charmayne Phillips

4th Best Bicolor Kitten

NW Shefei Mao Lucy

Brown Tabby-White Female

Breeder: Jing Yu Wang
Owner: Wang Jingyu

5th Best Bicolor Kitten

CH, RW Wasillia Little Bit-Of-Sas

Brown McTabby-White Female

Breeder/Owner: Jenny Vessey

6th Best Bicolor Kitten

GC, RW Cottontop Reputation! of Purrcasso

Blue Patched Tabby-White Female

Breeder: Mandy Moesch-Beth Hetzel
Owner: Noelle Giddings

7th Best Bicolor Kitten

GC, RW Top Shelf Picasso of Purfect Gift

Black-White Male

Breeder: Pam Rutan-Judy Neall, Lessee
Owner: Judith Neall, Pam Rutan Dillmuth

8th Best Bicolor Kitten

GC, RW Fancyfluff's Exquisite Diamond

Calico Female

Breeder: Lily Necomb
Owner: Brad-Lily Newcomb

9th Best Bicolor Kitten

GC, RW Char-O's Rock Star of Whiskerland

Blue-White Male

Breeder: Charmayne Phillips
Owner: Jim-Teresa Land, Pam Rutan

10th Best Bicolor Kitten

GC, RW First Impact Carmen of Elan

Brown Patched Tabby-White Female

Breeder: Saad Khalid Alrumaihi
Owner: Beth Grant-Field, Saad Alrumaihi

Other 2018-19 Show Season Winners

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