Top 10 Particolor Cats in Premiership ~ 2015-2016

Best Particolor in Premiership

GP, NW Cinema's Cabaret

Tortoiseshell Spay

Breeder: C Stewart-B Mayes-D Adler
Owner: Felicia Walker

2nd Best Particolor in Premiership

GP, DW Boberan's Wildly Sweet

Tortoiseshell Spay

Breeder: Randy Primmer
Owner: Mo Lam Yeung

3rd Best Particolor in Premiership

GC, GP, DW Boberan's Wild About My Baby

Tortoiseshell Spay

Breeder: Randy Primmer-Robert Farber
Owner: Yeung Mo Lam-Luk Chun Lap

4th Best Particolor in Premiership

GC, GP, DW Boberan's Pretty Little Baby

Tortoiseshell Spay

Breeder: Randy Primmer-Robert Farber
Owner: Luk Chun Lap-Yeung Mo Lam

5th Best Particolor in Premiership

CH, GP PatsQuats Dreamers Chance of EMGems

Chocolate Tortoiseshell Spay

Breeder: Pat Marshall
Owner: Elizabeth & Montee Kennedy

6th Best Particolor by in Premiership

CH, GP, DW Tombrock Tennesee of Krungsiam

Tortoiseshell Spay

Breeder: Sal Cuccu-Giovanni Giordano
Owner: Nuttarinee Satirasilpin

7th Best Particolor in Premiership

GC, DW D'Eden Lover Venus

Tortoiseshell Spay

Breeder: Carnevaletti-Gaspard-Michel
Owner: Nuttarinee Satirasilpin

8th Best Particolor in Premiership

GP Validian Summer Fever

Tortoiseshell Spay

Breeder/Owner: Peter J Rogers III

9th Best Particolor in Premiership

PR Sumava's Amanda

Tortoiseshell Spay

Breeder: J Ignacio Vidorreta-T Sanchez
Owner: Maija Mavrakis

10th Best Particolor in Premiership

CH, GP Just So Maybelline

Blue-Cream Spay

Breeder/Owner: Kate Preston

Other 2015-16 Show Season Winners

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